Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Tips on Finding What Might Seem Lost

Recently NCTM created a new page on their website that you now reach if you type in http://mathforum.org. From that page they've linked to:
  • Problems of the Week
  • some Notice and Wonder resources
  • some Ignite YouTube videos 
  • the Year Game
  • archives of
    • Ask Dr. Math®
    • Discussions
    • Teacher2Teacher
Although, these resources/pages are not linked from their new page, these URLs continue to function:
If you have bookmarked other webpages that use the domain "mathforum.org" you may find that you are redirected to "https://www.nctm.org/mathforum/" rather than the page you're expecting. One way to view those pages is to use the Wayback Machine! Here's the Wikipedia link to read more about how this digital archive works: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wayback_Machine

Here are links using the Wayback Machine that you may find useful:

Max's blog
Annie's blog
Suzanne's blog
PoWerful Ideas
Engineering / Math Challenge
The Art of Math Challenge
The Math Images Project
Math Tools
Financial Education Problems of the Week
Math Forum Internet News archives
Problem Solving Articles
About the Math Forum Rubric
PoWs in the Classroom: The PoW Process
Think You Don't Have Time to Use the PoWs?
Cathi Sanders's webpages
Chameleon Graphing by Ursula Whitcher
Varnelle Moore's Primary Math Activities
Games for Math and Social Skills
Mr. Brandenburg's List of Recommended Books on Math and Science
Magic Squares by Mutsumi Suzuki

Suzanne's Mathematics Lessons (last archived October 20, 2017):
the first webpage I ever wrote - July, 1995!
Know, too, that if you've bookmarked a page that now redirects, try the Wayback Machine page to see if you can locate it!


  1. Thank you for putting this together Suzanne. I hope this post gets found by other people trying to access the great resources by the Math Forum.

  2. You're welcome, David. I just know that so many teachers (internationally) over the years have found many of these resources valuable - both because of email they've sent me and also from page stats we've viewed - that I just want to help them continue to find them.

  3. THANK YOU!! Sharing your Algebra Tiles unit with some pre-service teachers!

  4. It seems like the Ask Dr Math archives aren't available anywhere any more, and pulling them up from wayback machine is pretty difficult.

    NCTM's page now seems to only have a (members only) link to POWs and no other Math Forum content. I'm pretty angry about that.
